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Monday, September 04, 2006

Life is HARD!!!!

I think so many times as Christians we are afraid to admit, or don't think we are very spiritual if we actually admit that sometimes life just sucks! Why don't we all just admit that life is not a bed of roses? Sure, there are happy times...many of them for most of us. But, those times when we are in pain, or grieving or hurting, those times are hard!

I spoke with a dear, sweet friend today who is there. She is in that place that just plain hurts. And, when your friends heart hurts, yours hurts along with it. Alongside her, I continually plead with God to intervene in her situation. I also question why He hasn't!!!

Now, some good news. Aren't you thankful that we serve a Lord that knows every tear that we cry and sees the beautiful tapestry being woven by His hand? In the midst of ugliness, pain and even hopelessness...we have a hope! Sometimes, that is ALL we have.

So, ask those hard questions...scream at Him in those times of desperation. He is a big God and He loves us and my precious friend beyond comprehension.


Anonymous said...

You are such an amazing friend!!! And I am such a better person because of how God uses you in my life!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!! What a better place this world is for me because you are a part of my life!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

MM - Hey, I know you've heard the song "Praise you in the Storm," but the first few lines really struck me after reading this blog...
"I was sure by now that you would have reached down, wiped my tears away, stepped in and saved the day.. but once again, I say 'amen' and it's still raining. I will praise you in this storm and I will lift my hands, for you are who you are no matter where I am. And every tear I've cried, you hold in your hands. You've never left my side, and though my heart is torn, I will praise you in this storm."

I LOVE this song, I think because it's so HONEST!!! It doesn't make it sound like we should be happy all the time or ignore that 'Life is HARD!!!' Even though you're saying 'amen' for the millionth time, ending the millionth prayer, sometimes it is still raining! And sometimes when we praise him, it's with tears and heartbreak and sadness, questions, even reservations and pain! But we still praise Him!

Praying for your friend (and several of my own),