Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Thursday, November 16, 2006

from a full heart...

today a couple of really important things happened. kade said, "i love you" for the first time. lily has been saying it for a while but for some reason kade wouldn't. anyway, i was pumped. there's nothing quite like hearing your kids tell you they love you. the other significant thing that happened was rylee's prayer at dinner. usually when she prays, she says the typical "thank you for this food" etc. tonight, my precious little three yr old spoke to God from her heart. she prayed a several sentence prayer that included thanking Him for our food and family. kyle and i both looked at each other with the "awwww" face. (you know the one) :) it was a moment. i'm constantly reminded that we as parents have so much influence on our children. i know that i will never be the perfect parent, mainly because they don't exist, but more than anything i desire to raise children that know my Lord intimately and choose to follow after Him. i look forward to seeing my children grow and take steps toward owning their faith!!!

what a day!
my son verbalized his love for me...
my daughter talked to God from her heart...
my heart is full...

1 comment:

Mel said...

too many tears for words - too precious all around! Have a wonderful day!!!! PS. Curious George is at the Richland Mall in Waco Sat. (tomorrow) from 12-4. We are taking Liam.

Love ya!