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Saturday, August 26, 2006

motherhood and other such stuff...

So I am reading this book called "How to get your kids to mind without losing yours" by Kevin Lehman. The title appealed to me because...well...I feel like I might lose my mind on a daily basis. I'm into Ch. 4 and rather enjoying it. It's coming from the standpoint of taking the time to develop heartchange in our kids rather than just behavior change. It's good stuff.

You know those times when you feel like God is so far away...then there are the times when He feels as close as your breath. Well, I've just been through the "far away time" and I'm currently going through the "close as my breath time". Frankly, I prefer these times. I feel like He is teaching me so much on a daily basis that I can't keep up with it all. I feel so blessed right now. Not because everything is perfect, but because I have an amazing family, the best friends God could give and a Savior who desires to be with me, teach me and grow me.


Anonymous said...

Can I borrow the book when you finish? Totally inspiring thoughts. Love to you and your family!


Anonymous said...

Can I borrow it after Mel?