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Sunday, March 16, 2008

the plan.......

well, the plan is that the kids and i are heading to rockwall on thursday and i will be going to pick up gray (excited out of my mind)!!!  he will stay with us for the entire Easter weekend!!! i'm sad that kyle can't come with us, but he has too many responsibilities for the weekend and can't get away.  in order for us to get him and stay with my parents, they had to do criminal background checks on both of them.  hopefully they will overlook my mom's drug conviction from the late 80's and my father's "personal escort" service run out of the church parlor.........................just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) the crim checks are supposed to back on tuesday or wednesday......so we are cutting it close.

needless to say, we can't wait to spend the weekend and get to know our little Gray.  the kids are soooo excited to meet their little brother!  as exciting as this weekend will be, it will be very difficult to return him on Monday.  please pray for us...  thanks!!!

on a lighter note....we had a houseful last night.  my friend kriste (from corsicana), her kids and a friend and her kids, traveling with her on the way to galveston spent the night with us last night.  we had a great time and stayed up talking until 1:30am.  i miss her dearly!  one of our youth from corsicana, molly, is coming to spend some time with us this week.  so, molly, the kids and i are heading to galveston to spend the day with kriste and her crew at the beach.  the twins have never been on the beach.  they have seen the ocean but never experienced playing etc.  it will be so much fun.  

anyway, we have a busy week.  blessings to everybody......


Shawn said...

Oh Mary-Michele...I just prayed for you. I prayed for an easy separation on Monday, but before that I prayed that the Lord would work it out where you get to bring that baby home with you!

I check your blog most every day, so I'll be praying for you each time I check it.

mary-michele said...

heather....thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement!!!!

Janna said...

Oh, I know this will be the most special Easter yet for your family!! I'm sure Monday will be terribly difficult, so I will be praying strength and comfort for you and your kiddos. Hoping and praying Gray is in your home FOR GOOD very soon!!!

Dimple Queen said...

I can only imagine how difficult Monday will be....but I too pray that little Gray will be in your home VERY soon!!!

Hey, do you still have the photography business?? I know you are terribly busy and all, but was just wondering!

Have a great time at the beach. The kids will love it!

Dimple Queen said...

Hey...I will probably be out on spring break by the time you get back around, but come by...

Jenny over at Pink Armchair Designs redesigned my blog....she does it for free!!!

Hope your visit with Gray went well...I will be thinking about you...and waiting to hear about it when I get back...
