Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Friday, December 29, 2006

out with the old...

the coming of the end of a year is probably different for everyone. for me, it is very much a time of reflection but also anticipation. we got home from my parents on wednesday night. kyle and i spent all day yesterday cleaning up and cleaning out!!! i also got all of my christmas decorations put up. we got a lot done but are not near finished. we also made a new rule for the kids...no toys past the carpet which means they cannot come into the main living areas with any toys. surprisingly, they have done pretty well. might i add the front rooms look so much better without toys scattered everywhere :)

we had a great christmas and rylee was sad that i was taking down all of the decorations. she asked why i was "putting christmas up?" :) i had to explain it would come again next year :)

as i anticipate the new year...of course, i want some things to be different...as i'm sure you do:) i'm not making resolutions however, they don't stick with me. i'm making some decisions...(i'm not sure there is a difference)...

i'm going to start exercising again. i haven't in over a year...since we got the twins and i've also put on almost 30 pounds....yikes. time for that to go. the clencher...i'll be exercising at 5:30am with my friend kriste. ughhhh....i hate 5:30am unless i'm snoozing in my warm bed.

i would like to be more disciplined overall. (time with God, finances, eating habits, etc.)

i would like to get my photography up and going this year. i already have 4 appointments for january.....yeah :)

and as with every year...i would like to be a better wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, youth minister's wife, mdo director and above all..............increase the likeness of Christ in all of those areas. of course, that means dying to me on a daily basis....easier said than done....i'm really a very selfish person......no really!!! :)

ok, enough babbling. i have to go do laundry and clean out toys. i still have all of the kids new toys in the van until i clean out their old ones. how cruel am i?

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