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Friday, May 11, 2007

green onion and the birthday blues......... :)

so, i'm trying to get back on the blog wagon. i'm not doing too bad so far, i guess. :) i'm trying to get my house clean today....always a small miracle with three toddlers running around making more messes. i just put them to bed with a few books each...i figure if they would read for 15 or 20 minutes before they go to sleep, then i might could buy some more time. in fact i need to keep this entry short so that i can get on the cleaning wagon.

i was cooking dinner the other night and was using some green onion. i used about half the bunch..we ate dinner...got the kids ready and in bed etc. i went back in to clean up the kitchen and i noticed that the green onion was gone. i was looking for it because i was going to use it the next night for supper. anyway, i just assumed i had accidentally thrown it away without realizing or kyle had. well, i little bit ago, i was making the kids lunch when kade walks into the kitchen with a fist full of green onion. there is nooooo telling where he has had it for the last three days and even crazier is that i haven't smelt it anywhere. it must have been in his room. he is such a boy!!!!!

tomorrow i turn 32. ugghhh. i still feel 18...hopefully, i'm a little more mature however :) birthdays just aren't what they used to be. i think i live vicariously through my kids on their birthdays now. it is so fun to watch their excitement. the twins will be three on june 24 and they cannot stop talking about it, they are so excited. ahhhh...to be young and carefree!!!!

1 comment:

Dimple Queen said...

I turned 33 this past September and I still feel like a kid too! I think it is because our hubby's work with them and we are around them so much. I am glad I feel so young, but at times I wish I felt like a "grown up" I guess we can't win for loosing. Glad to see you are starting back up with the blogging. I am trying, a little slow though myself!

The green onion thing was funny!

Ang (DQ)