Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, May 19, 2008

incubator and sperm donors

i ended up taking kade to the ER on Saturday.  his fever was continuing to spike and his cough getting worse and didn't want to wait until today to take him in.  turns out he has bronchitus (sp?).  the dr. gave him an antibiotic to prevent infection and cough medicine.  he's doing much better and is no longer running fever.  hopefully, this won't be passed around like the fever virus....so far so good.  

got news friday that grey's incubator (bio mom) signed away her rights.  wasn't worried but relieved to know that.  she also named a sperm donor (bio father) who is currently in jail.  he has to sign away rights or sign a waver stating that the child is not his.  also...she is legally still married to the twins' sperm donor and therefore he has to sign a waver stating that grey is not his. (sounding a little soap operaish?)
hopefully...both prospective sperm donors will sign whatever and we will get to officially adopt in october or november.  i would love to have it done before christmas.   we have to have him 6mths before the adoption can be final.  

i don't mean to seem harsh with using the words incubator and sperm donor... i actually looked up the definition of mother and father in the dictionary.  i was curious what it would say. interestingly enough...the definitions were "a female or male parent".  so...i looked up parent and found that a parent is "a person who brings up or cares for another.  i just don't feel they have the right to be called mother and father.  kyle and i are the male and female parents and we are the ones that are bringing our children up and caring for them.  therefore, we are bestowed the honor of being called their "mother and father".   ok....stepping down from the soap box :)

on a lighter note...i'm going to dinner with kristin and kristi tonight.  we're going in honor of our birthdays.  they are all close together...fun times...can't wait.  in fact, it's what is getting me through the day...i'm pmsing like crazy!!!  i know......tmi........but it is my blog!!! :)

blessings on this fine day!!!!!! 


Meredith said...

I LOVE reading your blog!! Oh, and Midol Extra Strength works for me (o: Five days until we are a happy family of seven!!! CAN'T WAIT!

Dimple Queen said...

I agree with you on the whole sperm and incubator thing and I don't even have adopted kids! Anyway, hope all goes well and he is your's by November at the latest!

And about the PMSing thing....we all do it....and you are right....it IS your blog, you can post about whatever you want!!!

I had to start my weight loss ticker over!!!! BUT, I am on a mission now!

Hope Kade is feeling better!


Dimple Queen said...

Serious??? Is that what it takes....lol....

I know...I have been trying too much to do it for others...ahemmmm Carlton....lol and not myself.... That's been my problem! Not any more!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please don't feel bad about naming them sperm donors and incubators! I teach in the public school system. It is scary how little parents do for their kids!
