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Thursday, December 14, 2006

two week break..........

today was the last day of mother's day out for the year. woohoo!!! i'm ready for a two week break. i'm also ready for my family to be well. rylee had an ear infection beginning of the week, and now kade is fighting an ear infection. we need to take stock in CVS...that's where our money is going right now :) lily and kyle are good so far....knock on wood.

went to dinner tonight with my friend kriste. kind've funny......i actually met her while she was helping me deliver rylee. she was my favorite nurse. i've seen her over the past few years for area wide church events (she goes to Grace Community here in Corsicana). anyway, after i saw her at the last one we decided we needed to get together. we had a really great time tonight. we have a lot in common including the same goal weight :) so , we are going to start walking in jan. and keeping each other accountable in the food realm.

ok...going to bed...i have a full day of laundry tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Ok - the melanoma thing - you realize that is a very deadly form of cancer - just saying - are you telling me something about my friendship style ?

Happy Christmas !
