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Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Zoo and a Good Cry...

The kids and I went to the zoo on Friday with my Dad. We had a good time. There is something about the zoo that relaxes me. I truly enjoy going every time.

One of the truly enjoyable things about parenting is experiencing moments through the eyes of your children. I love seeing the wonder in their eyes as they see an animal for the first time or experience any "first" for that matter.

We stayed at Nana & Popy's last night (my parents). I have PMS and I'm overly sensitive, so my feelings got a little hurt and I had a good cry. Yeah for good cries....I haven't had one in a while. They truly cleanse the soul. My Mom hugged me and told me everything would be Ok...you know all of the "mom stuff" and I felt better. Of course, she is also the one that hurt my feelings (but didn't mean to) and it turned out to be a good thing...so, Thanks, Mom!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to give you some encouragement....Philip and I were talking after lunch and saying how cute the kids were and how well behaved they were etc. - and I just got to thinkin' - there is really a big difference in the way they behaved yesterday vs. the last time we lunched out months ago - well, we know it isn't because of their age (terrible toddler years!) - the difference is the influence you are having on them. Good job! I know that you get run down and that it takes a lot to always have the energy your life requires right now but just know your are having a WONDERFUL impact on those precious children - good days and bad!!! They are so blessed to have you guys as parents!!!!

We love you!!!!!