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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

so life is hard...

things have been rather crazy for about the last week, which is why i haven't blogged. i have a lot to update.

i'm having a rather crappy day today. one of those days where you just feel alone. not physically alone, but more emotionally. i guess that's not a bad thing because i tend to lean on God more during these times.

one of my best friends is going through a tremendous deal of pain right now. my heart is heavy for her and her situation. (please pause right now and say a prayer for my friend..thanks!) it hurts when the people that we love hurt...

we had merge weekend last weekend. kyle is finally home. he figured up that he worked 100 hours last week. bless his heart....he was soooo stressed. it's nice to have him back. the weekend was very successful and the Lord did some great things in the hearts and lives of our students. i think that we are both still trying to get caught up on our sleep.

i got a new cell phone. it's a razor.... i wanted a black one, but they only had pink. i didnt' have the patience to wait for a black on to come in. so i have a pink phone. i feel like a teenager :) oh well. maybe it will keep me young. yeah right. :)

kriste and i are starting the 6wk body makeover on sunday. we are both excited and looking forward to being 30-40 pounds lighter. we'll see what happens :)

the older i get the more i figure out that i don't have anything figured out. God is good, but life is hard and it will be until we are with Him where there will be no more relationship problems, no pain, no tears, no issues, and no sin! praise God that we have that hope. Praise God that we don't have to live on this earth in these earthly bodies for eternity. Until then...i'm going to go and try to be what He has called me to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey!! I hope your day goes better tomorrow (o: It was so good to talk to you today! love you - Meredith